Monday, February 23, 2009

Children of God

Well...another day has past. I've been here in Asia for over 6 months (this time around). But I'm thinking right now of the idea of being busy and its connection to being spiritual. Are we busy for Christ? But are we spiritual? And by spiritual...I mean close to God.

Sometimes we can get caught up in the idea that if we do more then we must be spiritual and we may also think that if we're not doing much then were not very spiritual. But why?

Is this the way that we should really think? I mean sure...yes...we should be working for Christ. But it's about so much more than what we're doing for Christ. It's about who we are in Christ. We are children of God. So it's more about who we are than what we do. It's about our relationship with Christ. That's where most of our focus needs to be...on that relationship. Because if all we're concerned about is the 'doing' then we're missing out on what it really means to be a child of God.

You see...children have relationships with their parents. So we must have a relationship with Christ..first of all...and then we need to make that relationship a priority in our lives.

So think about what you are doing today. Are you more concerned about what your doing than who your doing it for? Another words are you more concerned about working than who you are...a child of God?

We must think about our relationship with God. As we focus on Christ...the work will come out of the overflow! So search like crazy for Christ...find Him....let Him fulfill you...follow Him...and out of this relationship will come work unto our Father.

Be blessed today...know that you are a child of God...if you have put your faith in the shed blood of Jesus and in His resurrection as salvation from your sins.

Trust Him! Prov. 3:5-6